Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Band Concert Tonight

Grades 6-8 Concert Band Required Performances:

Who: Grades 6-8 Bands Perform
When: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 @ 6:30 P.M.
Where: Washington Auditorium

All Band Musicians in grades 6-8 will be performing in this required evening performance. Musicians are to wear khaki pants and your black music polo.
Please arrive to the Band Room at 6:00 P.M. to tune.

Donations will be taken at the door.

Who: Grades 6-8 Band Performance Day Assembly
When: Friday, November 17, 2017 during ELT
Where: Washington Auditorium

Musicians must have instruments at school this day. Wear khaki pants and black music polos.

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Band is a Blast T-Shirts

Order your tye dye "BAND IS A BLAST T-SHIRT"! Orders must be into the office by December 1st. Pick up your order form from Mrs. Stevens. These shirts may be ordered by band musicians in all grades as well as any students and staff interested. Money and order form should be brought to the main office at school by the end of the day on December 1st. Contact Mrs. Stevens with questions.