Friday, March 3, 2017

Happy Birthday!!
Keaton Avenarius
Shonagh Current Giere
Jasmine Dye
Dawson Eckstein
Eleinor Kalb
Cayden Mayers
Alexis Waltert
Amber Bowden
Nathan Powers

Good luck Matt Gunn and Logan Barton at the Regional Spelling Bee this Saturday!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Happy Birthday!!
Lyden Michels
David Williams

Also, ATTENTION 6th grade girls and boys...Basketball starts Monday, March 6! Sign up in the attendance office and make sure you have a physical on file!

Loras College is holding a volleyball clinic over spring break, please stop attendance office for more details! 

Flyers for the 2017  Dubuque  Girls Independent League for Softball can be picked up in the attendance office