Thursday, April 21, 2016

Happy Birthday!!
Chloye Gmur
Carter Hesselman


First official practice is Monday, May 2, 2016.
Sign up is going on now!  Please make sure all required paperwork is turned in to the DBQ Senior High Activities Office.
Parent/Player Informational Meeting – Wednesday, April 27 – 6:00 pm – DBQ Senior High Cafeteria
After the meeting is IMPACT TESTING at Write Place

First official practice is Monday, May 9, 2016.
Sign up is going on now!  Please make sure all required paperwork is turned in to the DBQ Senior High Activities Office.
Parent/Player Informational Meeting – Wednesday, April 27 – 7:00 pm – DBQ Senior High Cafeteria
After the meeting is IMPACT TESTING at Write Place

6th grade football and volleyball will be starting SOON! First day of practice is May 16th! Please stop by the attendance/activities office to sign up and also make sure you have a sports physical on file!

Dubuque  Senior High School Track and Field Camp
For incoming 4th - 8th grade girls/boys
July 25-28
$28.00 (Includes t-shirt)
8:00 - 9:00 Dalzell Field
Please go to website to register