Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Happy Birthday!!
Jazmine Carter
Kendre Fagan Lewis

6th Grade Jazz Band Rehearsal will begin on Tuesday, Sept 20th. at 7:10 A.M.  Every Tuesday from 7:10 a.m. - 7:40 a.m. in the Band Room

7/8 Jazz Band Rehearsal will begin on Thursday, Sept 22nd at 7:10 a.m.  Every Thursday   from 7:10 a.m.-7:40 a.m. in the Band Room.

The second Monday of every month is Wendy's Night for VPA.  This is a night that you should go eat some delicious dinner at the Wendy's on J.F.K. between the hours of 5 and 7pm and the best part is that a portion of what you spend in the store or through the drive thru window goes back to Washington Middle School to help VPA put on an amazing show!  The first Wendy's night of the year is coming up this Monday, September 12 from 5-7.  Be there or be....hungry!

If you missed the WTV informational meeting but still want to be on the crew, stop in the LRC for an application.  These are due back in the LRC by Friday, September 16th.