Shaylee Atchison
Emma Chambers
Andre Jurisic
Amir McLin
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences will be held on:
- Tuesday, October 17 from 3:00PM-7:45PM
- Wednesday, October 18 from 3:00PM-7:45PM
- Thursday, October 19from 7:15AM-11:45AM
Conferences will be by appointment only on Tuesday and Wednesday. To schedule your appointment please visit https://ptcfast.com/schools/Washington_Middle_School_1. If you do not have internet access, you can call the Main Office at 563-552-4800 to schedule your student’s conferences. A link to our conference scheduler can also be found on our website www.washington.dbqschools.org.
Congrats to the following students for their selection on being Einsten Bagels & Caribou Coffee Students of the Month for Sept and Oct.:
6-1: Daniela Rojas & Violet Widnar
6-2: Sarah Martyn & Ashley Pietreck
7-1: Morgan Simon & Aylaa Plummer
7-2: Robin Koppes & AJ Murdah
8-1: Natalie Clemen & Rachel Beck
8-2: Haley Motsch & Rachel Stanley
These students were selected for showing GWMS Wash Values! These students will get to enjoy a bagel with schmear, fruit, and a beverage compliments of Einstein Bagel & Caribou Coffee company! We appreciate them providing this "purely bagelious" experience! Congrats to our students - we are so proud of you!