Ethan Salladay
Washington grades 6-8 Orchestra/Band and Choir will perform in day assemblies on:
6th: Tues., March 15
7/8: Wed., March 16
The Washington 6-8 Band Musicians are required to participate in the DCSD Band Festival on Tues., March 22. All musiciains are to pick up your permission slip from Mrs. Stevens and return it signed by March 17th. Please consider supporting our musicians and enjoyoing the DCSD Band Festival evening performance at Hempstead H.S. at 6:30 P.M. Students free, Suggested Adult Donation of $5.00. Musicians are to bring your instrument and wire music stand to rehearsal and the performance. Wear khakis and your black music polo to the eve. performance.
Girls and Boys 7th and 8th grade track starts April 4th. Please sign up in the attendance/activites office and make sure our physical is up to date!
Girls and Boys 7th and 8th grade track starts April 4th. Please sign up in the attendance/activites office and make sure our physical is up to date!