Friday, March 18, 2017

Happy Birthday!!
Noah Hoffman
Gregor Kincaid
Madison Schwartz
Amelia Brimmer
Elleanna ClarkAdams
Calli Larson
Lexi Schuster

Girls and Boys 7th and 8th grade track starts April 4th. Please sign up in the attendance/activites office and make sure our physical is up to date! 

If you would like to purchase a year book please go to the office and put your order in...

Movie Night!!!
Friday 3/18/16 Night 10:00 pm


Clarke is hosting a 3 on 3 tournament on April 23, please stop the attendance/activities office to pick up a registration form if you are interested.

Senior is selling Elite socks for a fundraiser for boys Tennis. Stop by the attendance office if you are interested in purchasing some new socks.