VPA CREW: Any students interested in working on a VPA crew for this year's production of "The Music Man" should plan to attend an informational meeting on Friday, January 15th from 2:30-3:15pm in the auditorium! We have lots of crew positions to fill from spotlight operators to painters to set builders to hair and make-up artists. There is something for everyone! If you can't make it to the meeting, no worries! Just pick up the crew form the next week from the VPA informational board located across from the auditorium! If you have any questions, contact Mr. Slade or Mrs. Schumacher.
Happy Birthday!!
Morgan Hesselbacher
Jackson Mulgrew
Denis Piontkovskiy
Brady Schiesl
EnChia Wu
Congratulations to Maura Wright! She has advanced to the Regional Round at the Spelling Bee. Maura will be competing on Saturday, March 5 at Clarke University. Good luck Maura!