Thursday, October 8, 2015

No School on Friday 10/9/2015

Happy Birthday!!!
10/8/15  Cecelia Brown
10/9/15  Tyler Dietzenbach
10/10/15  Kyle Powell
10/11/15  Hope Donath Gmur
10/11/15  Grant Paar
10/11/15  ThaiLeah Winfrey

Starting Tuesday, the fire doors to the hallways will be locked at 3:30. All of our sports lockers are big enough that players can put their bookbags in the sports lockers. They NO LONGER will be allowed to go back to their school lockers.

LEAP activities for the Day:Bringing Books to the Big Screen, Y-Club, Animal Allies, Lego Exploration, Introduction to Golf, and Homework Help.

VPA: If you are in the cast and did not receive a script yet, please bring a binder and a pencil to rehearsal TODAY in order to receive it!  If you cannot be at rehearsal, please make sure to notify Mr. Slade, Mrs. Schumacher, or Mrs. Bookless!

Sign up sheets for wrestling and girls basketball are in the athletics office . Practice starts towards end of this month. Please sign up now and make sure you have a physical on file!

Also in VPA news, we have a Wendy's night coming up next Monday, October 12 from 5-7pm.  Make plans now to get dinner at the Wendy's on JFK that night!  The VPA program will benefit from your support and you can enjoy a delicious meal!

Mock Convention: 8th grade students participating in the mock convention will meet next Wednesday Oct. 14 and Wednesday Oct. 28 during homebase with Mrs. Gurdak  in the LRC on the computer side. See you then!

Sign up sheets for wrestling and girls basketball are in the athletics office . Practice starts towards end of this month. Please sign up now and make sure you have a physical on file!