Monday, October 17, 2016

Happy Birthday!!

Maya Duerksen Aldunate
Samuel Winger

Girls Basketball and wrestling starts Oct. 24. Please sign up in attendance office and make sure you  have an up to date physical on file!!! GO WAHAWKS!

The Washington Band will be perform in the Dubuque Halloween Parade on Mon., October 24th.  The parade begins at 6:30.  

Students are required to wear shoes at all time in the building. This is a safety and health reason we are requiring students to keep their shoes ones. 

It's that time of the year - Apple Pie Making at Hy-Vee on Locust Street!! We are looking for students who can assist with making apple pies, sampling, and selling pies on Wednesday, October 26th through Friday, October 28th from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, October 29th & 30th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students can sign up for shifts by stopping by the Activity/Attendance Office! All proceeds from sales support our Renaissance Program.